End of 1st 9 weeks

The first nine weeks is in the book...literally.  Grades are finalized and posted:)
A huge fanfare and well deserved congratulations to our A and A/B Honor Roll students:
All A's - Chloe
A/B- Logan, Rebecca, McKenzie, Kate, Jaxson, Lily, Amelia and Shelby.
Kudos, Ta-dah, and Hip Hip Hooray for earning your AR goal (25pts and 85% average) through perseverance, reading every day, and putting forth great effort:
Logan, Rebecca, Bella, Alisha, McKenzie, Kaleb, Kate, Jaxson, Lily, Ryder, Chloe, Amelia, Shelby
Whaaaaaatttttt?????? 20 or more Study Island blue ribbons:
Logan, Rebecca, Colson, Bella, Alisha, McKenzie, Kaleb, Kate, Jaxson, Lily, Ryder, Chloe, Shelby, Braydon
Heading into the 2nd nine weeks, homework will look a bit differently.  As normal, Math homework will be sent home daily and due the next day. The spelling and vocabulary lists and a practice cold read will be sent home on Monday; due on Friday.
It is absolutely necessary that your child is:
*Reading EVERY day at home; testing the next day at school- 3 points weekly WITH a test average of 85% or higher 
*Practicing spelling and vocabulary EVERY day at home
*Achieving the 3 assigned Study Island topics every week-70% or higher
Thank you for making your child's academic learning a success by encouraging, holding a high standard of expectation, and following up at home.
DMridha  "True education instills life skills that will be the basis for your life's success.  School is not just about academics but about work ethic, goals, and high expectations."