Belmont Academy is a relatively young school, but it has been built on time-tested principles that have guided some of the most successful educational institutions in history. Its founders envisioned a place where students could receive the structured learning that is essential to their success as adults, yet remain free from the distractions and obstacles that can complicate the learning process in many of today’s public schools.
In 2011, the decision was made to apply as a state approved charter school. Belmont Academy’s charter was approved almost immediately, and progress continued at a quick pace. Construction of the current facility began in early 2012. Everything came into place for the school to open in August of 2013. After a successful first year, interest grew, and additional classrooms were added for the current school year.
From its very first year of operation, Belmont Academy has been rated an ‘A’ school by the state of Florida. We believe this is just the beginning of a long and successful road. In the years ahead, we will continue to grow, but never lose sight of our mission to prepare every one of our students for a bright future. We are committed to making each year better than before, and we invite you to join us on the journey.