Remote Learning Survey

Wow, we made it through our first week.  Great job everyone! I know we had some challenges, but overall I feel it was a huge success.  Parents, Students and Teachers; your grade:  A+ ... WAY TO GO! 

This really is a team effort and so I certainly want to give a shout out to everyone involved - the wonderful, dedicated teachers and staff, our amazing parents and guardians, our committed students, and everyone in our extended community of grandparents, aunts, uncles, businesses, etc…

I know we have learned quite a bit this week and have made quick adjustments in implementing our remote learning.  At this point, on Friday afternoon, I realize we still have opportunity for some growth, so we are asking for your input on what we can do to continue improving this experience.  Please take a minute and fill out this important survey for us.

Thank you all!  Go Belmont!