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Parent or Student Reporting Form



Belmont Academy has an Appointed Representative to Facilitate Parental Involvement  to provide access to information, assist parents and others with questions and concerns, and resolve disputes.  You can learn more about this parent and others support option here.


Suggestions When Using This Belmont Academy Reporting Form:

1. If you have a general classroom or teacher concern please email or contact the teacher as a first step.

2. Avoid using name calling or vulgar language as part of your comments. 

3. Including your name and/or email are optional (without this information your reporting is anonymous); however, unless you include your name, no personal or formal response will occur.  

4. You may use a personal visit to the school, a phone call or an email to an administrator to discuss any concerns you may have. If you choose to personally email an administrator with these concerns, please keep in mind that emails to and from Belmont Academy are a matter of public record.


Understanding Bullying

When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that's        
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that's
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it-even when you tell them to stop or show them that you're upset that's
Bullying is the mistreatment of an individual or group characterized by a willful intent to cause harm and a perceived advantage in power. These acts can be socially, emotionally, or physically damaging in nature and include, but are not limited to, teasing, name calling, rumor spreading, exclusion, intimidation, threats, damaging personal property, stealing, public humiliation, stalking, pushing, shoving, or other physical attacks.
Harassment involves any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing act or gesture which places an individual in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, has the effect of substantially interfering with an individual's educational performance, opportunities, or benefits, or has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of a school or activity.
Bullying or harassment of any individual is prohibited:
1. During any education program or activity conducted by the school;
2. During any school-related or school-sponsored program/activity or on school provided transportation;
3. Through the use of computers or other electronic devices which is initiated or accessed by any school data system;
4. Through the use of any off-campus data system which disrupts the academic environment of the school or school activity.

Please complete the available fields below as desired,  then click on submit at the bottom of the page. Thank you for your input.

Reason for your input:
Answer Required
Contact Information

Parental Requests for Appointment of a Special Magistate

The "Parental Rights in Education" law sets forth specific procedures for complaints or disputes falling into those categories detailed in Section 1001.42(8)(c)1.-7., Florida Statutes.  Parents and guardians have the right to notify the Principal of any concerns related to these areas.  You can find the complete policy providing the types of concerns, the procedures to follow and a link to the Parental Request for Appointment of a Special Magistrate form published by the Florida Department fo Education here:  https://tinyurl.com/Important-Forms


FortifyFL Application

Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or www.getfortifyfl.com. The app, which is available for download on Apple and Android mobile devices, is critical to ensuring all Florida schools are safe environments where students and educators can experience and share the joy of learning without fear. We hope that you will become familiar with this tool and help us spread the word about it with our students.

To learn more, download the application or submit a report go to FortifyFL.

Fortify FL QR Code

Department of Children and Family Services Abuse Hotline


The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports of known or suspected child abuse, neglect or abandonment, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.