Week of February 8th

Week of February 8th

     The Red Carpet Awards were an exciting and encouraging happening!  All of the students were cheering, applauding and enjoying celebrating those who earned awards.  The fanfare was incentive to everyone to meet their goals, study with an attitude of excellence and give a 100% effort !
     Eyes on the goal of learning every day, earning promotion to 4th grade and conquering the FSA.  Speaking of the FSA...(Florida State Assessment) is scheduled - Reading/ELA , April 5-16 , and Math ,May 3-14.  Each assessment will be a 2 day , 80 minutes per session event.  Reading must be passed with level 3 or higher in order to advance to 4th grade.  This is a state requirement.
*Reading- point of view, summarizing, pronouns, compound words
**Math-properties of multiplication and division, multiplication fact practice(daily quiz), word problems- Math Chapter Test Friday
***Social Studies- being a good citizen; reduce, reuse, recycle
****Science- scientific method 
Please review your child's homework with them, including the cold read practice.  If there is something that is unclear to your child and/or you have your child bring it to school and I will go over it with them .  Math homework is due 1st thing every morning and the cold read practice is due Friday morning.    There is a direct connection between academic success and AR, homework completion, Study Island and ALEKS mastery.  Expect excellence and it will be achieved.
This Friday, the 12th is our Valentine's sharing day.  If you would like for your child to bring cards to share it would be wonderful!  We have cookies but....if you would like to send wrapped candy or a treat the class would certainly enjoy it!
Thank you for all that you do for your child's education...you are appreciated!
"It is only through raising expectations and striving for excellence that our children can reach their full potential."  BHenry